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Bermudian Springs Middle School Educational Interiors

AgChoice Farm Credit
November 1, 2016
Reinforced Earth
September 30, 2016

“Bermudian Springs Middle School was designed to create a safe yet open learning space,” said Dr. Shane Hotchkiss. Guernsey’s interior design paired with furniture from HON, Artcobell, Wenger, and Am Tab, provide the flexible and durable learning spaces every middle school needs. The Superintendent of Bermudian Springs School District went on to say that “Guernsey was outstanding in their design and support” of creating a learning space that “fosters collaboration” and “meets our educational needs while staying within our budget.”  

“I am truly thankful for their efforts to support the successful opening of our new Bermudian Springs Middle School.” – Dr. Shane Hotchkiss, Superintendent Bermudian Springs School District 

inside view of a classroom

Typical Classroom 

Bermudian Springs Middle School wanted students to have agency over their learning environment. IBG furnished 32 typical classrooms, all outfitted with modern, mobile versions of traditional desks and chairs, as well as a standing height makerspace table and accompanying stools. These mobile pieces allow for the space to be rearranged easily to accommodate collaborative learning, class discussions, or solo work. 

inside view of a classroom

Art Classroom 

Art rooms see more wear and tear than most, so we incorporated butcher-block top tables designed to withstand significant wear and tear. These durable, stylish, and easily rearranged tables are ideal for creating and collaborating.  

Common Area

Common Area

This common area changes shape and purpose throughout the day. Occasionally a lecture hall, sometimes a café, and often just a quiet place to study, modular sectionals, mobile tables, and individual desks make this educational environment anything but common. 

inside view of a classroom

Creative Arts Classroom 

Mobile HON tables designed for easy movement provide ample workspace for Bermudian Springs students, while the poly shell student chairs are stackable, durable, and comfortable. 

Image Source: eciConstruction